Scientific programme

Final version including the PDF files of the presentations: 10 October 2013
(last file posted on 20 December)

Tutorials (15 Sept): Paris Observatory, Salle de l'Atelier (Programme & Presentations).

Scientific sessions (16-18 Sept): Ecole Normale Supérieure, Amphitheatre Dussane

Oral presentations - Posters

Monday 16 September 2013
8:30-9:15: Registration
9:15-9:30: Opening of the Journées 2013
Welcome from N. Dimarcq, Director of Department SYRTE of Paris Observatory, Chair of the LOC
Introduction to the Journées 2013 by N. Capitaine, Chair of the SOC
Session 2 - The Next ICRF - Progress and developments
(Chair: J. Souchay, J. Vondrák)
Mignard F. (invited): Gaia status and early mission - Abstract - PDF presentation
Bertarini A. et al.: Extending the K-band Celestial Frame with Emphasis on the Southern Hemisphere - Abstract - PDF presentation
Krasna H. et al.: Impact of seasonal station displacement models on radio source positions - Abstract - PDF presentation
Malkin Z.: On systematic and random errors of radio source position catalogs - Abstract - PDF presentation
Zharov V. & Shmeleva N.V.: Analysis of time series of the EOP and the ICRF source coordinates - Abstract - PDF presentation
11:00-11:30: Coffee-break


Session 2 - (continuation)
(Chair: C. Jacobs, Ya. Yatskiv)
Bachmann S. et al.: Source positions from VLBI combined solution - Abstract - PDF presentation
Iddink et al.: Development of a VLBI Intra-Technique Combination Strategy for CRF Determination - Abstract - PDF presentation
Andrei H. et al.: The Gaia Initial Quasar Catalog - Abstract - PDF presentation
Souchay J. et al.: The up-date of Large Quasar Astrometric Catalog - Abstract - PDF presentation
Damljanovic G. et al.: Optical data of ERS made at 60 cm ASV and 2m Rozhen telescopes useful for the link of ICRF-future Gaia CRF - Abstract - PDF presentation
13:00-14:00: Lunch break
Session 1 - Theoretical aspects of reference systems
(Chair: N. Capitaine, M. Soffel)
Métivier L. et al. (invited): The ITRF and its scientific applications - Abstract - PDF presentation
Soffel M. et al. (invited): Relativistic astrometry: status and prospects - Abstract - PDF presentation
Fedorova E. et al: Optical coordinate system for a local observer in a weak gravitational field - Abstract - PDF presentation
Bertone S. et al.: Latest advances in an astrometric model based on the Time Transfer Functions formalism - Abstract - PDF presentation
Girdiuk A. & Titov O.: Plans for VLBI observations of close approaches of Jupiter to compact extragalactic radio sources in 2014-2016 - Abstract - PDF presentation
Teyssandier P. & Linet B.: Enhanced term of order G^3/c^6 in the light travel time - Abstract - PDF presentation
Roland J.: Binary black holes in nuclei of extragalactic radio sources - Abstract - PDF presentation
Liu J.-C. et al.: Aberration in proper motions for stars in our Galaxy - Abstract - PDF presentation
16:00-16:15: Coffee-break
16:15-18:00: POSTER SESSION (see the List of posters)
18:00-19:30: Welcome drink

Tuesday 17 September 2013
Session 3 - Atomic and pulsar-based timescales - Progress and developments
(Chair: D.D. McCarthy, G. Petit)
Defraigne P.(invited): Multi-GNSS time and frequency transfer - Abstract - PDF presentation
Hobbs G. (invited): A pulsar-based time scale from the International Pulsar Timing Array - Abstract - PDF presentation
Petit G.: Atomic time scales - Abstract - PDF presentation
Pottié P.-E. et al.: Time and frequency comparisons with optical fiber links - Abstract - PDF presentation
Guo L. et al.: Some astrometric discussions on the pulsar parameters by timing - Abstract - PDF presentation
10:30-11:00: Coffee-break

Session 4a - Earth Rotation - Theory
(Chair: V. Dehant, C. Huang)
Ferrandiz J. & Gross R. (invited): The goal of the IAU/IAG Joint Working Group on the Theory of Earth rotation - Abstract - PDF presentation
Dehant V. et al.: Next step in Earth interior modeling for nutation - Abstract - PDF presentation
Escapa A. et al.: On the changes of IAU 2000 nutation theory stemming from IAU 2006 precession theory - Abstract - PDF presentation
Filippova A. et al.: Rotational-oscillatory motion of the deformable Earth in the short time intervals - Abstract - PDF presentation
Huang C. et al.: A generalized theory of the figure of the Earth: application to the moment of inertia and global dynamical flattening - Abstract - PDF presentation
Pashkevich V.: Construction of the new high-precision Earth rotation series at a long time interval - Abstract - PDF presentation
Ron, C. et al.: Free core nutation - possible causes of changes of its phase and amplitude - Abstract - PDF presentation
Zotov L. & Bizouard C.: Study of the prograde and retrograde excitation at the Chandler frequency - Abstract - PDF presentation
13:00-14:00: Lunch break
Session 4b - Earth Rotation - Modelling and observations
(Chair: A. Brzezinski, R. Gross)
Thaller D. (invited): The IERS Retreat: How to improve Earth Rotation products? - Abstract - PDF presentation
Bizouard C.: Comparison of geodetic and modeled excitation functions by Allan variance - Abstract - PDF presentation
Boehm J. et al.: Analysis of atmosphere-excited intraseasonal polar motion via the torque approach - Abstract - PDF presentation
Brzezinski A. et al.: Estimation of the Chandler wobble parameters by the use of the Kalman deconvolution filter - Abstract - PDF presentation
Chapanov Y. et al.: Natural and systematic polar motion jumps - Abstract - PDF presentation
Ding H. & Shen W.-B.: Observation of a 531-day-period polar motion - Abstract - PDF presentation
Capitaine N. & Yao K.: Nutation determination by means of GNSS - Comparison with VLBI - Abstract - PDF presentation
Lambert S. et al.: The Earth's nutation: VLBI vs. IAU 2000A - Abstract - PDF presentation
Nastula Y.: Gravimetric excitation function of polar motion from the GRACE RL05 solution - Abstract - PDF presentation
Xu X. et al.: Researches on predictions of Earth orientation parameters - Abstract - PDF presentation
Yatskiv Ya. et al.: The "Simeiz-Katsiveli" co-location site of space geodesy techniques: current state and future activity - Abstract - PDF presentation
16:15-16:45: Coffee-break
16:45-17:30: Discussion - Summary -
19:30-22:30: Conference dinner

Wednesday 18 September 2013
Session 5: Solar System Dynamics - Theory, modelling and numerical standards
(Chair: A. Escapa, C. Hohenkerk)
Wieczorek M. & M.T. Zuber (invited): New results from NASA's lunar gravity mapping mission GRAIL - Abstract -
Rambaux N. (invited): Rotation/libration of solar system bodies - Abstract - PDF presentation
Hees A. et al.: Tests of gravitation at Solar System scale beyond PPN formalism - Abstract - PDF presentation
Pitjeva E. et al.: Numerical ephemerides of planets (EPM) and natural satellites of IAA RAS and their uses for scientific research - Abstract - PDF presentation
Fienga A. et al.: INPOP13 - Abstract - PDF presentation
Kudryavtsev S.: Approximation of orbital elements of telluric planets by compact analytical series - Abstract - PDF presentation
Yagudina E. & Vasiliev M.: EPM-ERA 2013 - New Version of Lunar ephemeris Developed in IAA RAS - Abstract - PDF presentation
Hestroffer D. et al.: Solar System dynamics with the Gaia mission and beyond - Abstract - PDF presentation
11:00-11:30: Coffee-break
11:30-12:30: Discussion - Summary -
12:30-12:45: Closing of the Journées 2013

13:00-14:00: Lunch break
14:00-17:30: WG and task group meetings (Meeting rooms of Paris Observatory)

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List of posters
(in alphabetic order for each session)
Session 1 - Theoretical aspects of reference systems
1.2 Hees A. et al.: The Time Transfer Function as a tool to compute Range, Doppler and astrometric observables - Abstract - PDF presentation
1.3 Khelifa S.: Noise characteristics in DORIS position time series derived from IGN-JPL, INASAN and CNES-CLS analysis centres - Abstract - PDF presentation
1.4 Kudryavtsev : Corrections to the IERS amplitudes of variations of the geopotential coefficients due to frequency dependence of Love numbers - Abstract - PDF presentation
1.5 Malkin Z.: On the Galactic aberration constant - Abstract - PDF presentation
1.6 Bizouard et al.: OMIM, an interdisplinary group at SYRTE - Abstract - PDF presentation
1.7 Qi Z.: Astrometric Support for the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope - Abstract - PDF presentation
Session 2 - The Next ICRF - Progress and developments
2.1 Coelho B. et al.: The SDSS quasars as a testbench for the Gaia fundamental reference frame grid-points - Abstract - PDF presentation
2.2 de Witt A. et al.: Experimental plan for improving the K-band Celestial Frame - Abstract - PDF presentation
2.3 Lambert S.: VLBI representations of the celestial reference system - Abstract - PDF presentation
2.4 Marco F.J. et al.: An accurate and stable mixed method to obtain coefficients in VSH developments of residuals from ICRF2- Catalog differences - Abstract - PDF presentation
2.5 Marco F.J. et al.: About homogeneity in combined catalogs - Abstract - PDF presentation
2.6 Martinez M.J. et al.: Problems caused by biased data in models of catalog adjustment - Abstract - PDF presentation
2.7 Raposo-Pulido et al.: Effects of the datum configuration of radio sources on the EOP determined by VLBI - Abstract - PDF presentation
Session 3 : Atomic and pulsar-based timescales - Progress and developments
3.1 Chupin B.: The new UTC(OP) based on the LNE-SYRTE atomic fountains - Abstract - PDF presentation
3.2 Meynadier et al.: ACES Micro-wave Link data analysis - status update - Abstract - PDF presentation
3.3 Song Y. et al.: Prediction of the Atomic clock bias for COMPASS Satellites - Abstract - (Not presented)
Session 4b : Earth Rotation - Modelling and observations
4.1 Hui H. et al.: Anomalies of astronomical time-latitude residuals at YAO before Wenchuan Earthquake - Abstract - PDF presentation
4.2 Lopes P. et al.: Prediction of EOPs using the artificial neural network: Revisiting the method - Abstract - PDF presentation
4.3 Malkin Z.: On detection of the free inner core nutation from VLBI data - Abstract - PDF presentation
4.4 Nagalski T.: Analysis of EWT maps from GRACE mission and land hydrology data - Abstract - PDF presentation
4.5 Perepelkin V. et al.: Amplitude-frequency analysis of the Earth orientation parameters and the variation of the second zonal harmonic of the geopotential - Abstract - PDF presentation
4.6 Skurikhina E. et al.: CONT11 - High-Frequency Earth Rotations Variations from VLBI Observations - Abstract - PDF presentation
Session 5 : Solar System Dynamics - Theory, modelling and numerical standards
5.1 Hestroffer D. et al.: Local test of General Relativity with Solar System objects - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.2 Hilton et al.: Progress Report: The IAU Commission 4 Working Group on Standardizing Access to Ephemerides and File Format Specification - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.3 Hohenkerk C.: SOFA - Authoritative Tools and Standard Models - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.4 Ivanova T.: On Solution of the secular system in the analytical Moon's theory - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.5 Ivantsov A. et al.: On future opportunities to observe gravitational scattering of main belt asteroids into NEO source regions - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.6 Nelmes S. et al.: Comparisons of Ephemerides - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.7 Souami D. et al.: Neptune's ring arcs: VLT/NACO near-infrared observations - Abstract -
5.8 Souami D. et al.: On the spatial distribution of Main Belt Asteroids - Abstract - PDF presentation
5.9 Thuillot W. et al.: Recent activities of the FP7-ESPaCE consortium - Abstract - PDF presentation

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