Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy (NFA)

(Latest update: 28 November 2007)

1) PPT Presentations

(i) About the IAU 2000 Resolutions" (PDF files)
        Precession-nutation in the framework of the IAU 2000 Resolutions
        (N. Capitaine, Journées 2001, Bruxelles, Septembre 2001)
       Recent International Recommendations on Reference Systems (D.D. McCarthy; USNO, April 2004)
        The IAU Recommendations on Reference Systems and their application
        (N. Capitaine, D.D. McCarthy; AAS Meeting, Denver, June 2004)
        The IAU Resolutions for the General user (P. Wallace; Commission 8 meeting, IAU GA, August 2006)
         (IN FRENCH)
     Développements récents des concepts et des modèles en Astronomie fondamentale
         (N. Capitaine; SFSA meeting, Paris, June 2004)
(ii) About the implementation of the IAU 2000 Resolutions (PDF files)
        SOFA software support for IAU 2000 (P. Wallace; AAS Meeting, Denver, June 2004)
        Pre-2003 and Post-2003 VLBI procedure for precession, nutation and UT1 
        (N. Capitaine; IVS Analysis Workshop, Ottawa, February 2004)
(iii) About the IAU 2006 Resolutions (PDF files)
      Proposed terminology for Fundamental Astronomy based on IAU 2000 resolutions
       (NFA Working Group; 26th IAU GA, Prague, August 2006)
        The ICRS, BCRS and GCRS, ITRS: problems of nomenclature
       (M. Soffel, S. Klioner; Journées 2004, Paris, Septembre 2004)
      A new definition of Barycentric Dynamical Time
       (P. Wallace; LISA/SKA/GAIA Workshop, Birmingham, March 2006)
      Latest proposals of the IAU Working Group on Nomenclature for fundamental astronomy
       (NFA Working Group; Journées 2005, Warsaw, Septembre 2005)
      Recent progress in astronomical nomenclature in the relativistic framework
       (S. Klioner, M. Soffel; Journées 2005, Warsaw, Septembre 2005)
      Progress on the implementation of the new nomenclature in "The Astronomical Almanac"
       (C. Hohenkerk, G. Kaplan; Journées 2005, Warsaw, Septembre 2005)
      Report of the IAU NFA WG (NFA Working Group; Journées 2004, Paris, Septembre 2004)
       The P03 precession (N. Capitaine, P. Wallace; 2004 IVS General Meeting, Ottawa, February 2004)
(iv) About the implementation of the IAU 2006 Resolutions (PDF files)
        Implementation of the new nomenclature in The Astronomical Almanac
       (C. Hohenkerk; Journées 2004, Paris, Septembre 2004)
        Post-IAU-2000 Nomenclature for the Telescope Pointing Application
       (P. Wallace; Journées 2004, Paris, Septembre 2004)

2) Examples
        An example transformation (P. Wallace, 29 July 2004; revised 20 January 2006)   pdf.file

3) Movie for 3D representation
      3D representation of the Non-Rotating Origin (O. de Viron, V. Dehant; Journées 2004, Paris, Septembre 2004)   (PPT presentation with movies, either on line, or zip file)

All the movies called in this PPT presentation are "Copyright Royal Observatory of Belgium"; they are of medium quality for a more convenient upload.

For a better quality, please contact V. Dehant , Royal Observatory of Belgium. See more details, at: Films  .