Proposal for a Joint IERS, IAG, GGOS Working Group: Climate Signatures in Earth Orientation Parameters

Towards an
International Panel for Earth Rotation and Climate Changes (IPERCC)

in the frame of the Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research

Co-affiliations: IAG Commission 3 (Earth Rotation and Geophysical Fluids), GGOS (Bureau of Products and Standards), IERS (Global Geophysical Fluids Centre, Earth Orientation Parameter Centre, Rapid Service)
The Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research (ICCC) has been formally established by IAG in December 2019. To initiate the activities of the Joint Working Group (JWG) C.1: "Climate Signals in Earth Orientation Parameters", we sincerely invite you to a first meeting on Wednesday (May 6th) between 7 and 8 p.m. in room 0.15 at the Yellow Level of the Austria Center Vienna as part of the EGU 2020 General Assembly .

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