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Description Data Source
Astro-geodetic data
Earth Orientation Parameters time series Earth Orientation Parameters time series IERS / Observatoire de Paris
Degree 21 coefficients of the Earth's gravity field C21   S21 CNES, Alexandre Couhert
Atmospheric/Oceanic/Hydrological Angular Momentum functions (AAM/OAM/HAM)
Atmospheric-ECMWF / oceanic-MPIOM / land water-LSDM
with their forecasts
AAM time series GeoForschungZentrum (Postdam)
Atmospheric ECMWF (IB/NIB) AAM time series TU Wien
Atmospheric ECMWF / NCEP / NCEP reanalysis / JMA AAM time series IERS Special Bureau the atmosphere
Oceanic ECCO-MIT OAM time series Special Bureau for the Oceans
Land water - GRACE data and hydrological models HAM time series Special Bureau for the Hydrology
Climatic indices (NOAA, SOI...)
Mean sea level
Mean sea surface temperature
Solar influence
Sun spot number Sun spot number Solar Influences Data Analysis Center
Royal Observatory of Belgium