The Journées 2007 "Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels" (JSR2007) will be held
from 17 to 19 September 2007 at
Paris Observatory,
on its
Meudon site, France (see the
practical information).
They have received the support of Paris Observatory
Scientific Council and the Department SYRTE.
The main purpose of these international meetings is to provide
a forum for discussion of researchers in the fields of celestial and
terrestrial reference systems, Earth rotation, astrometry and time.
The Journées 2007 will be focused on the issues related to the recent
developments, perspectives of future realizations and scientific
applications of the celestial reference frame.
The Journées 2007 are organized in conjunction with the
IERS Workshop on Conventions, to be held on 20-21 September 2007 at BIPM (Sèvres, France).
(For those attending both the Journées 2007 and the IERS Workshop, see the specific information
regarding accomodation in the
practical information.)
On this link you can get the
Journees 2007 Poster
(full resolution)
Scientific Organizing Commitee: A. Brzezinski, Poland, N. Capitaine, France (Chair), P. Defraigne, Belgium, T. Fukushima, Japan, D.D. McCarthy, USA, M. Soffel, Germany, J. Vondrák, Czech, R. Ya. Yatskiv, Ukraine
Local Organizing Commitee: Daniel Gambis (Chair), Pascale Baudoin, Olivier Becker, Christian Bizouard, Sébastien Bouquillon, Liliane Garin, Anne-Marie Gontier, Sébastien Lambert, Jean Souchay
Latest update: 9/10/2007