The ESA program ACES/PHARAO is the result of a collaboration between several European organizations and laboratories. Its main objectives are:
The validation of new on-board technologies concerning atomic clocks and the associated transfer means.
The use of these instruments in time and frequency comparisons, with outstanding resolutions and with a worldwide coverage. The high performance clocks developed by laboratories in various countries will be involved. The time resolution will be about 10ps, the relative frequency resolution will be 10-16.
The study of the space-time from these comparison data. The target is to precise the validity domains of the various theories of relativity. In particular, possible instabilities of the fundamental constants of Physics in time and space will be investigated. CNES and SYRTE have to develop the heart of the apparatus: the cold atom clock PHARAO.
This caesium clock based on an innovating technology will give the ultimate performance in order to fulfil the objectives of this mission. Its realization is split between several industrial companies. The assembly and the final qualification has been performed at CNES-Toulouse and. The flight model has been delivered at summer 2014.