Instructions to authors
General information on the Proceedings
There will be a published volume of the Proceedings of the Journées 2010, in the same form as usual.
Moreover, similarly to what was done with previous Journées, we also intend to make available an electronic version of the Proceedings via the Journées 2010 web site. See for example, the electronic version of the Journées 2003-2008 Proceedings.
The Proceedings of the Journées 2010 are planned to be published, as usual, in a deadline shorter than 12 months after the Journées and will be sent to all the registered participants. Only the papers which have been presented by the authors during the Journées will be included in the Proceedings.
Practical information for the authors

1) Page limits are :

2) The deadline for submission is: November 30, 2010

3) General instructions

4) Submission of files

The files will have to be posted on the Journees 2010 ftp site in the directory /Proceedings.

The user name and password to be used is that sent to the participants by e-mail before the meeting for uploading the presentations.

When sending the files by FTP, use the following set of instructions:
5) File names

Please name your LaTeX source file and PostScript image files according to the following conventions for compatibility with the proceedings processing scripts and procedures:
6) Sample/model to be used for preparing your LaTeX document

\textheight 24cm
\textwidth 16cm

\topmargin -0.3in
\oddsidemargin 0pt
\evensidemargin 0pt


\def\aa{A\&A }
\def\aas{A\&AS }
\def\aj{AJ }
\def\cm{Celest. Mech. }
\def\cmda{Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. }
\def\gji{Geophys. J. Int. }
\def\gjras{Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. }
\def\jgr{J. Geophys. Res. }
\def\mnras{MNRAS }




\noindent {\Large TITLE OF THE PAPER (IN CAPITAL)}

\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} I.I. AUTHOR1$^1$, I.I. AUTHOR2$^2$, ...  
(Last Name in capital)\\
\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} $^1$ Name of the Institute of Author1\\
\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} Address of the Institute of Author1\\
\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} e-mail: e-mail address of Author1\\
\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} $^2$ Name of the Institute of Author2\\
\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} Address of the Institute of Author2\\
\noindent\hspace*{1.5cm} e-mail: e-mail address of Author2\\


\noindent {\large ABSTRACT.} Your abstract of 150 words maximum


\noindent {\large 1. TITLE OF SECTION 1}


Text of your Section 1


\noindent {\large 2. TITLE OF SECTION 2}


Text of your Section 2.

\caption{Figure1 caption}

%%%% Your table %%%%
\caption{Table1 caption}


\noindent {\large 3. REFERENCES}
% Please type the reference as follows
% Name Initial, year, "title", journal, vol. , pp. x-x.
% Examples:
% Author1, N., Author2, N., 2000, ``Title of the paper'', 
% \aa 111, pp. 111--222.
% Author2, N., Author3, N., 2003, ``Title of the paper'',
% \jgr (Solid Earth), 111(B5), doi: 10.1000/2002JB001111.
% (no italics, no boldface, etc.)



Reference 1

Reference 2

reference 3

